
Facilitated by grief expert and author Joan Furman, MSN, AHN-BC, CETII, A Loss Too Great is a healing experience for bereaved persons and those who have experienced life changing loss of any kind who are finding their grief overwhelming. The grieving process is always hard. Our world is shaken by loss of a loved one, or by the loss of anyone significant in our lives. Grief feels very abnormal but is in fact a normal healthy process. However, sometimes it also gets stuck – “complicated” by competing forces known and unknown, inside us or out – and can’t seem to work itself through. When this happens, additional attention can be profoundly helpful. This workshop is designed to address normal healthy grief as well as grief complicated by things like: Suicide of the deceased loved one, difficult or painful relationship while living, strong remaining feelings of guilt, young developmental age at the time of loss, painful secrets about the relationship, and many other issues that make it difficult to learn how to live life when everything has changed.
Scholarships or payment plans may be available if needed. Click here for dates and prices.
To register or with questions, please call/email:
Ethel at 901-372-0710 /office@ehcmemphis.com

This weekend retreat is an opportunity for individuals that work in the helping profession to get time for self-care. This weekend was formerly called the Professionals Retreat and is intended to help helpers to discharge and recharge so they are better able to serve others. In this small group setting helping professionals are able to get the support, attention, and care they need in order to be productive and effective in the work they are called to do.
The retreat is led by our Founders of EHC as they continue to model that we must walk our own path of self-care and healing if we are to give our optimal selves to others we help.
We will utilize SomExsm (a somatic/experiential approach) in working with individuals to recover their spark and aliveness that is often diminished in the effort to work with the traumatized and addictive populations. Often healers have turned to ineffective coping skills to manage their burnout and compassion fatigue. This retreat is an opportunity to inventory those coping skills and explore new ways to process feelings and challenges that life gives us.
As with all programs at EHC, participants will take part in body and energy work. This is intended to nurture and support the therapeutic work done and to assist in the embodiment of a renewed vitality.
Click here for dates and price.
To register or with questions, please call/email:
Ethel at 901-372-0710 /office@ehcmemphis.com

Couples I retreats are three day multi-couple intensives designed to address coupleship issues of intimacy and communication. Couples can participate in this program regardless of where they currently are in their relationship. The experience is intended to meet the needs of the coupleship whether they are in the beginning, middle, or ending stages of a relationship. The weekend is structured to help couples identify invaders to intimacy and healthy communication. A significant amount of time is spent guiding couples in new and effective ways to express their wants and needs. Each couple is given time to do work specific to their needs as well as participate in some group exercises that will enhance the process.
Couples II retreats are designed for couples who are in a committed coupleship healing process and are looking for ways to enrich their relationship. This weekend picks up where the Couples I weekend ends and furthers the process. Couples explore and develop new ways to bring the four pillars of intimacy (Honesty, Sobriety, Accountability and Integrity) to fruition.
Click here for dates and price. Scholarships or payment plans may be available if needed.
To register or with questions, please call/email:
Ethel at 901-372-0710 /office@ehcmemphis.com

This five-day intensive program utilizes our trademark holistic programming including group/individual therapy, SomEx(sm), bodywork, yoga, challenge course, and art therapy. With the guidance of experienced therapists and the support and companionship of a small, safe group of no more than seven, participants are gently and affirmingly assisted in transforming emotional wounds from trauma, disordered attachment and codependency. Participants receive a unique amount of individualized attention, and services are tailored to specifically address the needs, issues and circumstances of each participant. All of our methods take into account and affirm our belief that each individual has within him or her self the capacity to heal and grow and change. Clients are given the time, space and guidance they need to address their issues, regulate themselves emotionally, and develop a blueprint for coping with life-stressors in the future.
Program Cost: $3, 250.00
Click here for dates and price. Scholarships or payment plans may be available if needed.
To register or with questions, please call/email:
Ethel at 901-372-0710 /office@ehcmemphis.com

Equine Therapy is a powerful metaphoric approach to healing relationships with self and others. Horses are emotional creatures that live very attuned to their community and environment. Equine therapy utilizes the horse’s innate ability to mirror back to clients hidden aspects of themselves—giving them an opportunity to become more congruent and authentic.
This four-day retreat offers participants a unique opportunity to discover and awaken their true inner self and develop healthier ways of expressing this self in relationship. This program is especially helpful for those struggling in relationships and needing to address trauma, set boundaries, reduce shame, or practice emotional regulation—issues that impair one’s ability to experience intimacy.
Equine therapy does not require any prior experience with horses, nor is it necessary that you be comfortable with horses. The therapy is mostly done on the ground and does not have to include riding.
Click here for dates and price. Scholarships or payment plans may be available if needed.
To register or with questions, please call/email:
Ethel at 901-372-0710 /office@ehcmemphis.com

Resiliency Weekends are 3 ½ day programs that explore and celebrate the human resiliency that helped us cope during the difficult and sometimes traumatic events and situations surrounding our families of origin. Reconstructions are powerful, transformative experiences allowing us to see how profoundly we’re affected by our family system and how we, as adults, recreate and regenerate the dysfunction. Clients often learn much about themselves and their family systems as they witness, identify with and relate to the Star’s experiences and challenges. Experienced, attentive staff and a supportive community help clients access and express repressed emotions, face realities in their lives that may have seemed overwhelming, and make decisions and plans that will better serve them in the future.
It is designed for people new to the process or those wanting to go deeper into their healing. This weekend includes a "Reconstruction" -a day- long psychodrama in which a pre-selected "Star" shares his or her life story.
Enveloped in a community of recovering people, and with a diverse team of therapeutic professionals—clients are able to delve deeper into their issues and achieve significant amounts of healing and growth. Because of the intensive nature of these weekends, clients must be engaged in a therapeutic process and/or be screened to make sure they are appropriate for this level of work. Participants are encouraged to utilize the weekend experience to identify “emotional medicators” and often choose to abstain during the program. This can provide the groundwork for a recovery process that they can implement upon their return.
Click here for dates and price. Scholarships or payment plans may be available if needed.
To register or with questions, please call/email:
Ethel at 901-372-0710 /office@ehcmemphis.com

Our Young People’s weekend offers participants ages 13-19 a variety of therapeutic interventions including group and individual therapy, challenge course and other adjunctive services. Thefocus of the intensive will be to improve communication and social skills, to process about familyissues, to increase healthy expression of emotions, and to promote personal well-being. Clients will receive continuing care plans in order to know how to best continue their process at the conclusion of the program.
Group size is limited in order to offer an optimal experience. Parents will need to complete consent forms and psychosocial assessments.
Click here for dates and price. If finances are an issue, a payment plan or partial scholarship may be available.
To register or with questions, please call/email:
Ethel at 901-372-0710 /office@ehcmemphis.com

From the moment we are born, our lives are shaped by relationships. When talking about relationships we often think about people--like our parents, siblings, friends, spouses or co-workers. However, we also have relationships with nature, food, sex, a Higher Power, and money. We may pay little attention to our relationship with money, even though we may feel the unconscious impact of it.
Experiential Healing Center's Healing Your Relationship with Money workshop is designed to help you explore your relationship with money and make better choices in your life. During this four-day intensive you will have the opportunity to:
- Explore your feelings around money
- Learn the messages that have shaped your relationship with money.
- Learn about family dynamics around money
- Learn about multigenerational patterns about money
- Identify your beliefs
- Identify your self destructive patterns about money
- Find a path to start making healthy choices about money.
Click here for dates and price. If needed, payment plans or partial scholarships may be available.
To register or with questions, please call/email:
Ethel at 901-372-0710 /office@ehcmemphis.com

Our Somatic Integrity intensives are unique and exclusive to the Experiential Healing Center. A two-day immersion in SomEx(sm)::A Somatic Experiential intervention to treat trauma and addiction. This program provides focused one-on-one attention for a highly individualized healing experience. Five participants rotate through individual sessions with five practitioners in various modalities including Somatic Transformation, experiential therapy, energy work and body work. This intensive was created to help participants access and attend to the core issues that emerge with individual one-on-one attention.
Click here for dates and price.
To register or with questions, please call/email:
Ethel at 901-372-0710 /office@ehcmemphis.com

Using Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) techniques, participants will learn practical methods to foster insight and awareness into their own ways of responding vs. reacting to stress, pain and illness, to cultivate happiness and well-being.This program is based on the stress reduction program developed more than 30 years ago by Jon Kabat-Zinn, Ph.D., at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. Thousands of people of all ages worldwide have taken the MBSR program with positive benefits. This course teaches body and mind awareness techniques, such as meditation and yoga, to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. MBSR is an evidence-based program that has been shown to be effective for alleviating symptoms of stress caused by stress-related illness or symptoms, such as anxiety, aggression/ anger, addictions, high blood pressure, headaches/ migraines, sleep disturbances, chronic pain, psoriasis, gastrointestinal disorders, asthma, arthritis, cancer, fibromyalgia, depression, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses. Those who feel signs of stress due to just about any chronic illness can take this class to learn healthy ways of responding to stress. Graduates report lasting benefits in decreased psychological and physical symptoms, improved self-esteem and a renewed enthusiasm for life as they have learned effective ways of responding to the stresses of everyday life. Sessions include gentle body movement, professionally guided mindful meditations, didactic instruction and group discussions. Participants will practice meditation and yoga at home during the week using provided CDs and worksheets.
This program is offered in two formats: An 8-week, 9-session program that includes eight 2-hour sessions with one all-day meditation session, or a four-day retreat.
To register or with questions, please call/email:
Ethel at 901-372-0710 /office@ehcmemphis.com

Individual, Couple, or Family Intensives can be catered to address your specific therapy needs. They can vary anywhere from a few hours to several days and are developed to address and heal whatever stuck places you might encounter. Experiential Healing Center can provide a safe place in which to do this work, or we can bring the process to a location that is better suited to you. These intensives are scheduled with an individual therapist, or a clinical team and co-created with you. If desired, they may be scheduled in conjunction with a program you plan to attend--added on to the beginning or end to create a longer, more intensive therapeutic retreat. Services may include SomEx(sm), EMDR, hypnotherapy, nutritional counseling, art or music therapy, bodywork, acupuncture and other modalities, based on the needs of the individual(s).
To register or with questions, please call/email:
Ethel at 901-372-0710 /office@ehcmemphis.com

Join us for this intimate safe environment to
EXPLORE: a broader understanding of female sexual anatomy and functioning and debunk the myths regarding women’s sexuality and sexual concerns.
EXPAND healthy views towards sexuality, new coping skills, and resources for addressing your sexual needs. Increase sexual mindfulness and authenticity.
EMPOWER yourself by connecting to your own body in healthier ways. By recognizing the body, unhealthy habits, or addictions, and regain power to enjoy a more connected experience when alone or with a partner.
EXPERIMENT with experiential exercises that deepen your
relationship to your sexual, sensual self.
Meals and Lodging provided.
Space is limited.
Cost. $1,695.00
To register or with questions, please call/email:
Ethel at 901-372-0710 /office@ehcmemphis.com